It is insanely cold here. The schools were all cancelled (they are also cancelled for tomorrow). It was a high of -2 F, which wind chills around -30 F. Being this cold I stayed inside all day, in fact Buster and I stayed in my bed most of the day (Buster is my dog, his blog is here). So I stayed in bed most of the day, watched Despicable Me, read, and drank hot chocolate. My major accomplishment for the day was getting my medications transferred to a new pharmacy and getting dressed, but I'm okay with that, it's freaking cold. It's really not supposed to warm up until later this week so I'm not going to leave the house much. Tomorrow I have to help my mom by meeting her at the vet with Buster, but other than that I don't plan on doing much that involves leaving the house.
A picture of the book I am reading, my blanket, and Buster.
The hot chocolate I made after dinner.